September 30, 2023

Quote of the moment

Technical feasibility does not equal a strong business case.

--Brendan Rousseau

September 29, 2023

Quote of the moment

Being an artist, [Botero] thought, was like being a priest. You were born one, and the job required everything you could give.

--uncredited obituary from here

September 25, 2023

Quote of the moment

I never break the law because I always work with police, and I never give up informants. Otherwise they will shoot you dead. And if you tell people they can know where you live, they trust you.

--Arthur Brand

September 24, 2023

Must view of the moment

September 23, 2023

Everything of the moment

The mind of God is cosmic music resonating through hyperspace.

--Michio Kaku

Lifestyle of the moment

Eat food
Not too much
Mostly plants

--David Katz

Seems safe enough headline of the moment

Evacuations lifted for Alien Fire near Las Vegas

September 22, 2023

Poem snippet of the moment

...Tell me how many beads there are
  In a silver chain
  Of evening rain...

--Thomas Lovell Beddoes

Headline of the moment

F-35 911 call: 'We've got a pilot in our house, and he says he got ejected'

Quote of the moment

You see – nothing good comes from nothing. 

--Chuck Palahniuk

September 19, 2023

Datum of the moment

Publix is the largest employee-owned company in the US.


September 18, 2023

Quote of the moment

Most great instigators of social change have intimate personal knowledge of trauma.

--Bessel van der Kolk 

Quote of the moment

Trauma breeds further trauma. Hurt people hurt other people.

--Bessel van der Kolk 

Quote of the moment

We are on the verge of becoming a trauma conscious society.

--Bessel van der Kolk

Quote of the moment

Competence is the best defense against the helplessness of trauma.

--Bessel van der Kolk 

Quote of the moment

A child who has been ignored or chronically humiliated is likely to lack self-respect. Children who have not been allowed to assert themselves will probably have difficulty standing up for themselves as adults. And most grown-ups who are brutalized as children carry a smoking rage that will take a great deal of energy to contain. 

Our relationships will suffer as well. The more early pain and deprivation we have experienced, the more likely we are to interpret other people's actions as being directed against us, and the less understanding we will be of their struggles and concerns.

--Bessel van der Kolk 

September 16, 2023

Quote of the moment

The sleeping brain reshapes memory by increasing the imprint of emotionally relevant information, while helping irrelevant material fade away.

--Bessel van der Kolk 

Quote of the moment

When you write to yourself you don't have to worry about other people's judgements.

--Bessel van der Kolk 

Quote of the moment

Communicating fully is the opposite of being traumatized.

--Bessel van der Kolk 

September 15, 2023

Quoted of the moment

Safety and terror are incompatible.

Our attachment bonds are our greatest protection against threat.

--Bessel van der Kolk 

Quote of the moment

Understanding why you feel a certain way doesn't change how you feel.

--Bessel van der Kolk 

September 14, 2023

Quote of the moment

People typically don't grow up in a household where one brother is in prison, but everything else is fine.

--Mvd Kolk


Las Vegas, NV

September 12, 2023

Effusive headline of the moment


Polished headline of the moment

Scientists stumped by shiny golden egg discovered in deep sea

Quote of the moment

Urinary incontinence is the number one reason to be admitted to a nursing home.

--Dr. Kirtley Jones

Quote of the moment

Of course, placing food on top of rice is considered a no-no when it comes to Japanese etiquette, but at a restaurant where your rice comes served with a flag on top of it, the normal rules don't apply.

--Oona McGee

September 11, 2023

Ghost Bird Casts Shadow


Quote of the moment

Therapy won't work as long as people keep getting pulled back to the past.

-- Bessel van der Kolk 

Advisory of the moment

Loneliness can increase the risk of premature death as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

--Vivek Murthy
US Surgeon General

Quote of the moment

You are an architect of your experience.

--Lisa Feldman Barrett

September 10, 2023

Quote of the moment

All trauma is proverbial.

--Bessel van der Kolk

Quote of the moment

The only other animal that swims like me is the stoat, but his reasons are different.

--HS Thompson 

Quote of the moment

This is a beautiful place, and now it's full of eating people.

--Unnamed Amsterdam business  owner

from the article here:

September 07, 2023

Quote of the moment

I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.

--HS Thompson

Quote of the moment

There are a lot of 'levels of proof' in almost any sort.

--HS Thompson

September 06, 2023

Quote of the moment

I feel like I've got everything that
I need in the world. It's reduced down to where I know exactly what's important. I don't need anything else

--Richard Misrach

Quote of the moment

I am what we like to call a graduate student at Rikers Island — twice.

--Joseph Rodriguez

Quote of the moment

I don't care what anyone thinks, because I'm not after money, fame or fortune. There's no reason to be fearful of anything. 

--Michael Zang

September 01, 2023

Quote of the moment

Always exploit your contacts, instead of making a frontal assault.

--HS Thompson

Quote of the moment

Books are too slow, only old men should write them.

--HS Thompson

But how do YOU know quote of the moment

You don't know what you don't know.

--Bonnie Hoellein