April 30, 2016

i hope your aspiration day...

... was full of wishes.

April 27, 2016

quote of the moment

"[in South America] the value of illegal gold exports now exceeds the value of cocaine exports."

-- report by the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime

April 24, 2016

headline of the moment

"Man Pays Prostitute With Money From Girl Scout Jar, Throws In Primate As Tip"

April 22, 2016

haiku of the moment

when the top levels leave us
marking the moment
is of utmost importance


April 18, 2016

headline of the moment

"Boaty McBoatface" wins UK poll for name of $280M research vessel

-- CBSnews.com

April 10, 2016

quote of the moment

"What's clear is that one of the two of us will die before a reunion and however sad, ugly or unfortunate anyone views it, it is how it is."

-- axl rose speaking about slash

April 05, 2016

quote of the moment

"My name is Ronald Reagan, I'm the President of the United States of America. But you don't need to introduce yourself, because everyone knows who Pelé is."

April 01, 2016

headline of the moment

"The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round, Even When the CIA Accidentally Leaves Explosives Onboard"

-- gizmodo