June 30, 2023

Quote of the moment

Mediocrity really is a drag.

--Gordon Fletcher

Headline of the moment

It's Time to End the Tyranny of Ultra-Processed Food

June 27, 2023

My morning


Found poetry of the moment

Ice sheets grow 
because of snow


like honey 
poured on a plate

spread outward and thin 
due to their own weight

--Sophie Nowicki

June 26, 2023

Quote of the moment

Felons and spies really aren't that different.

--Andrew Bustamante

Quote of the moment

The cartography of the inner soul is nothing to be afraid of.

--Casey Hardison

June 25, 2023

Quote of the moment

The guns will be my undoing.

(44 years before shooting himself)

Quote of the moment

Seriously, the mountain didn't seem to shrink no matter how much we ate, even after taking rests at frequent intervals. It was like a bad dream in which we couldn't escape from the reality of the unfinished omuraisu at every turn.

--Krista Rogers

June 24, 2023

Quote of the moment

The thing about longevity is that it's persistent. The longer you live, the longer you are likely to live. One out of three men and 1 in 2 women in their mid-50s will live to 90, according to the Society of Actuaries. 

--Kimberly Palmer

Quote of the moment

Vegans eat more ultra-processed foods than any other diet.

--Becca Inglis

June 23, 2023

Quote of the moment

Platitudes are safe because they're easy to wink at.

--HS Thompson

Unappetizing phrase of the moment

...moisture from the eggplant leaked out...

--Casey Baseel

"It's better to look good...

... than to feel good," quote of the moment:

If you're finding it hard to muster the energy to cook a seafood meal, but want to treat yourself to something a little fancier than Chicken of the Sea and mayo, tinned fish is a happy medium: it tastes good, it's good for you, and it still looks like you tried.

--Melissa Pandika

June 22, 2023

Awkward phrasing of the moment

... From a screenshot snippet, just now...

June 18, 2023

Missed it by >< this much headline of the moment

Las Vegas police place cameras in backyard where aliens supposedly landed earlier this month

June 12, 2023

The news always seems so much the SAME...

... Screenshot of the moment

June 10, 2023

Battling headlines of the moment

<Screenshot from my cell phone, just now>

Snake advice of the moment

Baby snakes can be in your shoes. They can be anywhere.

--Angela Jones

Defined expertise quote of the moment

Also, we're not doctors, although some of the people we're going to be talking about are.

--Tom "talks to doctors THEN WRITES ABOUT IT" Woods

Most insightful article on the human condition ever written...

Taurine in energy drinks - BBC Future

June 08, 2023

Quote of the moment

More encouragingly, there are also alcoholic drinks at the Barbie cafe, presumably a consolation prize for the parents and guardians who must sit therein; every drink can also be ordered virgin, in case you decide that pounding cocktails during your Barbie outing with your kid is, you know, a bad look.

--Anna Merlan

June 06, 2023

Quote of the moment

Life imitates art. Art irritates life.


Quote of the moment

Against my will, I'm already an expert (ish) in all 3D tech, C#, C++, DX9, Dx11, wrapping DLLs, microsoft API hooking, Win32 APIs, .Net 5, Unity, and now AWS hosting, PHP, Ubuntu, Bash, and... Docker. I've worked in all of those things in the last 6 months.  I'm not opposed to learning new things, but geez, I'm tired.

--Bo3b Johnson

Slow news headline of the moment

Hole in Orlando road impacting morning traffic

June 05, 2023

Fear headline of the moment

Dangerous wild animals encroaching on South Dakota neighborhoods

Quote of the moment

I am hounded by creditors, bugged the police, threatened by creditors, seriously considering murder and stone broke.

--HS Thompson

Quote of the moment

Living in NY is like discovering life all over again.

--HS Thompson

Quote of the moment

When you're let into somebody else's game, you don't make up your own rules.

--HS Thompson 

Quote of the moment

Most people's lives are virtual monuments to cowardly indecision.

--HS Thompson

Quote of the moment

Awareness is the observer.

--Andy Puddicombe

June 04, 2023

Quote of the moment

God takes care of fools and drunks.

--HS Thompson

Ridiculous Headline of the Moment

Van Halen's Sammy Hagar takes it 'next level' launching Cabo Wabo Beach Club

{Just to be clear, Mr. Hagar is 75 years old... I'm assuming they're not implying the handicap-parking-tag-required level.}

June 03, 2023

Overheard end of conversation of the moment...

... so I went in to help out on my day off. At the end of the shift, they asked me to work another hour. I did. They asked me to work another. I said 'no:...and I ended up getting fired ON MY DAY OFF. How ironic is that?

--woman, NY Deli News, Denver

Yellow headline of the year

Central Florida woman accused of shoplifting at mall while car caught on fire with children inside.

[And with THAT, the competition is over until 2024. The management would like to thank all English language publishing outlets for playing.]

June 01, 2023

Quote of the moment

In a broken world, how could this band play ANY role?


Quote of the moment

Suicide offers quick authority over a life that feels it's lost all agency.


Quote of the moment

Of course nothing is inevitable.


Quote of the moment

Failure is a recurring nightmare.
