September 15, 2024

Legal questions prompted by a headline of the moment

Webb telescope peers into our galaxy's outskirts, sees stunning scene

Which begs the question: Just how DO you try a telescope one million miles away for being a peeping tom, in areas that aren't even your own solar system?

Or how 'bout: is it a crime to be a peeping tom on an event that happened millions of years in the past, but you can only see it just now for relativistic reasons?

September 14, 2024

Quote of the moment

But over the last couple of decades we've accumulated evidence that the more mundane impacts of heat are already upon us, impacting our daily lives. For example, more people fall off ladders on hot days than on cool days. They are more likely to kill themselves. They are also more likely to kill someone else.

--Nicholas Kristof

Quote of the moment

Every catastrophe is different. Every man-made horror has its singular dimensions, its own special shape and depth.

--Tobi Haslett

Quote of the moment

Not voting is ugly.

--Pope Francis

September 13, 2024

Veterinarian review headline of the moment

Nightbitch doesn't have enough of that dog in it

September 12, 2024

Quote of the moment

They're on vacation in Tuscany and having a good time, and meeting new people is fun (unless you're in a horror movie, that is).

--Manohia Dargis
reviewing "Speak No Evil" for the NYT

September 11, 2024

Quote of the moment

Greed makes men do strange things.

--Robert Mazur

September 10, 2024

Quote of the moment

Dictatorships are more concerned with controlling data than with testing its truth value; democracies, by contrast, are transparent information networks in which citizens are able to evaluate and, if necessary, correct bad data.

--Dennis Duncan

Quote of the moment

It took the Beetlejuice sequel just three days to make twice as much as the original made in total.

--Charlie Ridgely

Quote of the moment

About a quarter of [Rockwood, Oregon's] residents identify as Latino, and at a local food pantry on a recent afternoon, Spanish and Russian were spoken as much as English in the line for groceries.

--Danielle Kaye

September 09, 2024

Quote of the moment

[Grand Canyon National Park] averages about 17 deaths per year, with the most common cause being cardiac arrest, according to data from the last decade.

--Alexandra Petri

September 08, 2024

Diacritical quote of the moment

"There is no recorded decline as drastic as the one experienced by amphibians"

--Amaël Borzée

Quote of the moment

We try to get into the mind of a hellbender – we identify quality habitat and look for clear, cold-running water.

--Andy Hill

September 05, 2024

Quote of the moment

When you really need a human being you always get an answering machine. 

--Stephen King

September 04, 2024

Quote of the moment

The truth has to come out, that's the basis of art.

--Stephen King 

September 02, 2024

Quote of the moment

At the bottom, all tragedies are stupid. 

--Stephen King

Quote of the moment

A good liar never varies her story. 

--Stephen King

Quote of the moment

You know what's queer? Remembering forgetting. 

--Stephen King

Paragraph of the moment

Domino's says the strong flavours [of the tsukimi quattro pizza are] intentional, as the pizza is designed to be enjoyed with alcohol while viewing the moon. P.K. agrees it'll be ideal for that, as the abundance of white-based sauces and lack of tomato sauce in the pizza makes it fairly heavy, so it would go down well with some liquid refreshment.

--Oona McGee

September 01, 2024

Quote of the moment

Leonard [Slatkin] is one of the best audience communicators, a maestro of infinite practicality and without excess vanity.

--Norman Lebrecht