August 31, 2024

Alfalfa's next headline of the moment

Betting on buckwheat: Supplement startup aims to boost immune system with ancient Himalayan crop

August 29, 2024

Quote of the moment

When memory takes its strongest hold, our own bodies become ghosts haunting us with the gestures of our younger selves. 

--Stephen King 

Quote of the moment

When someone offers you a blank check, you must never, ever cash it.

--Stephen King 

August 28, 2024

Quote of the moment

For children meanness is usually only funny when it's imagined. 

--Stephen King

August 27, 2024

Quotes of the moment

Parenting is the greatest of 'hum a few bars and I'll fake it' skills. 


When it comes to the past, we all stack the deck.

--Stephen King

Quote of the moment

You've got style, you've got class. You've got the lips to kiss my ass.

--Stephen King

Quote of the moment

A life without books is a thirsty life. 

--Steven King 

Quote of the moment

I'm not sure we ever believe the simplest emotions in our art, although we see them around us everyday. 

--Steven King 

Quote of the moment

"Much has been written, and many hands wrung, over the opaque, obtuse, and obfuscating etiquette of the Japanese culture. In reality, though, for foreign tourists traveling in Japan, common sense will get you pretty far. Say please and thank you. If you're stopping somewhere to check a map or dig through your bag, move to the side of the walkway so other people can get by. Refrain from humping in broad daylight at religious sites."

--Casey Baseel

Truest quote of the moment

You haven't truly struggled to sleep until you've done so in a rail car where almost everyone is struggling to sleep.

--Richard Rubin

August 26, 2024

Quote of the moment

Hunger is the piston of art. 

--Stephen King

Quote of the moment

When it comes to memory, we all stack the deck. 

--Stephen King

Quote of the moment

We think we change, but we don't really. 

--Stephen King

Quote of the moment

Love conveys its own psychic powers. 

-Stephen King

Quote of the moment

Healing is a kind of revolt.

-Stephen King

Quote of the moment

God always punishes is for what we can't imagine. 

--Stephen King

Quote of the moment

Puns are the highest form of literature. 

--Alfred Hitchcock

August 25, 2024

Only "sounds clever" quote of the moment

Progress is defined not by what we all individually know, but by what we all individually don't need to know.

--John Tamny

Quote of the moment

You either live long or you live short and you can't do much about it.

--John Tinniswood

August 24, 2024

Quote of the moment

One armed men should tell the truth whenever possible. 

--Stephen King 

Quote of the moment

Never borrow more money than your IQ × 100.

--Stephen King
(In Duma Key)

August 22, 2024

Easy quote of the moment

But as fishery scientists often say, counting fish is a lot like counting trees, except that they move and you can't see them.

--Manuela Andreoni

August 20, 2024

Write off the moment

Write your future with the ink of today. 

--Moon Unit Zappa 

August 19, 2024

Quote of the moment

Nature does not care about your safety and will kill you especially if are not properly prepared.

--Bill Masters

August 18, 2024

Will of the typo quote of the moment

The essential elements of a traditional roll call with be there Tuesday night, with some custom touches. Delaware will cast the first votes, in homage to Biden.

--Lynn Sweet
Chicago Sun Times

Sucks Dude! headline of the moment

The Vacuum of Space Will Decay Sooner Than Expected

August 17, 2024

You are what you eat headline of the moment

Leonard Hayflick, Who Discovered Why No One Lives Forever, Dies at 96


Quote of the moment

If you are a user of Earth, then you need etiquette.

--William Hanson

Next spy quote of the moment

I think it's just as well not to put in time trying to overthrow other people's governments if you're not in a state of war with them.

--Jack Downey

Spy quote of the moment

[In] the final analysis, you are what you are, and nobody can get to the deepest recesses of your soul.

--Jack Downey

August 16, 2024

Quote of the moment

If nobody uses your product, it doesn't matter that you stole all the content.

--Eric Schmidt

Watch your step quote of the moment

Colonoscopy is a walk in the park compared to cancer treatment.

--Jeff Harris

Quote of the moment

Artificial intelligence software now can read — instantly — chest X-rays for indications of TB or other conditions as accurately as radiologists can.

--Atul Gawande

August 15, 2024

Quote of the moment

The older you get, time allotment is very different.

--George Clooney

August 10, 2024

Quote of the moment

Being large is a disadvantage in an apocalypse. 

-- Alex McCulgan

Stat quote of the moment

Your body contains more than 10,000 different proteins.

--Fiona Embleton

August 06, 2024

Quote of the moment

Let's just say you can certainly make sure you die early.

--Rosanne Leipzig

August 04, 2024

Fact of the moment

Figs feed more animals than any other known fruit. 

--Bizarre Beasts 
(Ed: I can't source better than that.)

August 03, 2024

Returning home


August 02, 2024

Quote of the moment

You should have a plan of action for crisis situations that does not rely on U.S. government assistance.

--US Embassy Beirut notice

August 01, 2024

Quote of the moment

Unfortunate situations can create opportunities for others with the cash.

--Petra Durnin