July 28, 2024

Quote of the moment

My job is to write the exact same thing between 50 and 100 times a year in such a way that neither my editors nor my readers will ever think I am repeating myself.

--Jason Zweig

July 25, 2024

Quote of the moment

Las Vegas is one of the most interesting places culturally in the country.

--Leonard Slatkin

July 23, 2024

Quote of the moment

The number one thing is: Make something. You've got to make something. You can talk about making something. You can cry about not making something. But if you're not making something, then you're not putting anything out there. Start today. Make a mess of it. Learn the lessons. Keep going.

--Jon Chu

July 22, 2024

Quote of the moment

Traders say more opaque fleets could facilitate trading out of projects under sanctions, as well as boosting Russia's operations in the market.

July 21, 2024

Quote of the moment

The intense scientific effort that long COVID sparked has resulted in more than 24,000 scientific publications, making it the most researched health condition in any four years of recorded human history.

Headline of the moment


July 20, 2024

Quote of the moment

Geometry is the cilantro of math.

--Jordan Ellenberg

July 19, 2024

T hostage quote of the moment

But four months is a long time to be hormonally hamstrung, especially regarding thyroid and testosterone.

--Chris Shugart

July 18, 2024

quote of the moment

Time stopped, and I was everyone.

--Dr. Nico Dosenbach
(on psilocybin, in an MRI)

Quote of the moment

At some point, if people live long enough, they wind up alone to a degree that's difficult for most of us to imagine.

--Joe Kloc

Quote of the moment

Gonzo outliers include subjecting one's penis to targeted sound waves.

--Joe Kloc

Statistic of the moment

The fourth-greatest "risk factor" for death is being poor: specifically, having an income less than 50 percent of the median income.

--American Medical Association

Quote of the moment

Last year, seven yachts unexpectedly burst into flames.

--Joe Cloc

July 16, 2024

Quote of the moment

Happiness is not a destination, it's a direction. 

--Arthur Brooks

Lede of the moment

Elon Musk is offering up his sperm to future Mars colonists, an overture that nobody seemed to ask for from the world's most prominent natalist.


July 14, 2024

Lemme guess, the weather? headline of the moment

Yes, a thunderstorm passed over LA this morning — but what caused it?

July 12, 2024

L.A. County Paramedic quote of the moment

If you have a tiger, lock it up before I get there.

--Elizabeth DiRocco

July 11, 2024

Gigantic introspective quote of the moment

I, too, was a tourist, and I, too, had retained a childish enthusiasm for superlatives.

--Ross Andersen
(While experiencing record high temperature in Death Valley)

Quote of the moment

Researchers found that at any given age, there is a 14 percent higher risk of dying early associated with loneliness and a 32 percent higher risk of dying early associated with social isolation.

--Brad Stulberg

July 10, 2024

Article lede sentence of the moment

The carpet is the colour of sweaty mince – pasty, anaemic, flecked with greys and browns.

--Hettie Judah

July 08, 2024

Quote of the moment

After all, what is the point of saving money if you hate where you live?

--Sean Bryant

July 07, 2024

Official proof of "hot" quote of the moment

NWS officials stressed the dangerous heats by baking chocolate and American flag cookies on the dashboard of a hot car.

--Jared Turner

July 06, 2024

Zombie Bird Rock quote of the moment

Forty years later, Dead Pigeons' lone studio album is being released, with demos from that era included as bonus tracks on a vinyl record.

--Matt Wake

Partial quote of the moment

...Elections are about the future, not the past. They're about tomorrow, not yesterday.

--George Stephanopoulos

July 03, 2024

Quote of the moment

Meat is like radiation, we don't know the safe level.

--Walter Willett