June 30, 2024

NYT: The Dementia Experience

Quote of the moment

We are food for time.

--Georgi Gospodinov

June 29, 2024

Dangerous rogue gemstone headline of the moment

Beryl Could Become a 'Dangerous Major Hurricane,' Forecasters Say


News header/article combo of the moment

<screen shot snippet taken just now>

Being bored is hard quote of the moment

 Players were whisked away in a hot rod to a pyro-heavy concert stage before moving on to a gothic bell tower and a fight with a menacing puppet master.

--Andrew Webster

Partial quote of the moment

IDLES are the Looney Tunes of punk...

--Jordan Bassett

June 28, 2024

Quote of the moment

In the end, we all run from somebody.

--Mikhail Baryshnikov

Interview snippet of the moment

NYT: Would you ever go back to Russia?

Mikail Baryshnikov: No, I don't think so.

NYT: Why not?

MB: The idea never even comes to my mind. I have no answer for you.

June 25, 2024

Perceptive quote of the moment

A thousand times more people will go past [a] building than will ever come inside it. The outside of that building will affect them and contribute to how they feel.

--Thomas Heatherwick

June 22, 2024

Resetting your expectations headline of the moment

The Life Is Beautiful Festival Is Out This Year and Life Is Just Okay

June 21, 2024

Headline of the moment

Elon Musk has another secret child with exec at his brain implant company

A whiff of headline of a moment

Pharrell Williams Wants You to Smell Like Photosynthesis


June 20, 2024

Required reading article of the moment

Accusatory headline of the moment

Potatoes Are the Perfect Vegetable—but You're Eating Them Wrong

June 18, 2024

Periodontist waiting room


Unwanted 'h' quote of the moment

"Thanks to actor Nicholas Cage & all the other potential jurors who showed up to court today to do their civil duty of jury service," read a Monday afternoon post from the District Court on the social media platform X. The post misspelled Cage's first name.

--Kaitlyn Newberg

June 14, 2024

Quote of the moment

Just because I understand 
doesn't me I believe

--lyric from "Down to the Sea"
by Angus and Julia Stone

June 10, 2024

Headline of the moment

Man coughed and sneezed during breakfast at US diner. Then his colon fell out


Mercurial headline of the moment

"Las Vegas convention numbers haven't returned to pre-pandemic levels"

Same article, new headline 

"Las Vegas convention numbers have almost returned to pre-pandemic levels"

June 05, 2024

History THE CHAMPION! quote of the moment


Past performance is no guarantee of future results. But when it comes to next-big-thing trends and innovations, history has been undefeated for more than three decades.

Every next-big-thing investment trend for 30 years has worked its way through a bubble-bursting event in the early stages of its adoption. Investors have consistently shown that they overestimate the uptake and utility of new trends and technologies, and it's hard to believe that artificial intelligence won't follow the same path.

--Sean Williams

June 04, 2024

Wordsmithing of the moment

Chipotle, the stock, isn't Cheap-otle.

--Nick "Shakespeare" Munarriz

June 03, 2024

Ideologically opposed headlines of the moment

June 02, 2024

Quote of the moment

I went from having no books at all, to having two in the span of a year. I felt like I had won the lottery, well, without the money. I suppose, in my life, I've never done things the ordinary way. I'm either deep in the bottom of the well or nowhere near water.

--Ada Limón

June 01, 2024

Acid rock quote of the moment

Some people see the Jurassic rockers and say they're burned out on playing. I'm burned out on not playing. Of course, a 25-year break helped.

--Doug Ingle

Quite of the moment

[Customers] laugh, have some food, experience the blind guy.

--John Diakakis
[blind diner owner, NJ]

Found couplet of the moment

No CPAP for this nap
On my side, 15 minutes

--The Accomplice