December 27, 2024
And so it has begun: the last week of the year, that notorious liminal stretch between Christmas and a new year, when time abruptly downshifts from sport mode to neutral. Will it be productive? No. Will you know what day it is? No.
--Tanya Sichynsky
December 21, 2024
I felt like playin' tonight, L was dog tired. She went to bed, I played 10/7. Started at ¼s. List a bill, got a low pay set and moved up to 50¢. Bingo. $2000 from the nicest hand pay attendant I've ever had. (AND no sniffin' me for having cashed the $730 ticket!)
The LV library ordered extra copies of the Penrose book due to demand... So my weeks long wait became 'immediately.'
BBC reports (INEXPLICABLY) that 27 new species of mammal were found in Peru. (Probably sez more about the people that HAD been looking than it does about those who are NOW.) Good side observations by Scott and MI Mary.
BFD will be SWEET tomorrow.
December 20, 2024
Quote of the moment
You rank up there with one of the most hideous cases I've ever presided over.
These families will deal with your carnage forever and you sit here and roll your eyes at me.--Judge Fran Gill
to Richard Allen in the sentencing for his 2017 double murder case
December 14, 2024
Statistic of the moment
More than 300,000 people die from drowning every year
--World Health Organization
December 06, 2024
Tsunami quote of the moment
Don't let your guard down after the first tsunami wave. The first one usually is not the highest one. Large tsunami waves might be more than 50 feet high in some areas close to the coast. Tsunami waves can last for hours.