November 02, 2005

JDiego's vote on round 2: va lays it on with the combo

b1 showed strong with his frogger. It looked like it was going to be another round to him.

But when va came out with that deadly combo: the overpowering hook to the head of "Hoosier daddy," followed by that old numismatic standby, the "in my pants" jab, well, he took the wind out his opponent's second strike.
Second round to va.


Blogger b1-66er said...

i should be more stoic than this, and certainlynot react in the heat of battle, but i have to tell you ...

the line "that old numismatic standby, the 'in my pants' jab," is so funny that i've read it three times now, and have laughed out loud every time.

maybe it's just a reaction from the 11 year-old boy that sits in every man, but i'll argue (of course) it's a form of hilarity that is much much more than that.

pay no attention to the booing crowds, j, there's no doubt that you're a truly great slugfest ref. born to the job, true to your profession.

(and just why is it i think the vegan and i should be sitting back and just let you and the captain comment all day?)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005 4:15:00 PM  
Blogger Captain Hops said...

Each has won a round
The fighters start to realize
there will be no rout

Thursday, November 03, 2005 3:54:00 AM  

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