October 31, 2006

Quote of the Moment

"B1 - Well, I sure feel honored to be the first one to sign your
yearbook...I hate to mess up these neat clean pages...(I have this thing
about little dots...). Sir Bean's class was OK, I guess, although
sometimes a little BORE-ING! I'm really glad I got to know you through
good 'ole chemistry (And I *never* pulled A's in there!) and social
studies. I think you are one of the most together guys I've ever met; I
mean, you always seem like you've got everything so organized! Thanks
for going to Morp with me; even though we just got here, I *know* we'll
have a good time. I really can't say much more, cuz it's still too early
to write anything meaningful, know what I mean? Ask me to write some
more(?) like the last week of school, OK? I could probably say more
then cuz I'll know ya a little better, OK? Till then, Anne M." (sic)

-- Anne, in my junior year high school yearbook.

{This was our first date which also happened to be yearbook distribution
night. We ended up going out for about two years. Read while moving
my yearbook off my so organized sofa.}


Blogger anne said...

well, well, well...

(I guess I still like little dots)

And you have more organizational qualities than you think. Who else would be doing a Tetris game with 10 years' worth of stuff in boxes?

It is a new month in the rat war - I hope you win a battle today!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 6:49:00 AM  

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