October 31, 2005

haiku of the moment

need to get these out of the way before the slugfest begins.

first, a couple palindromes using polyphonic homographs (aka "heteronyms"):

wind-up top spinning
boggles one's mind -- one's boggles
spinning top upwind

wide-open wound leaks
time, leaving things, leaving time
leaks wound open-wide

now a homonymic palindromic haiku (sounds the same forward and backward by words, but is spelled differently)

carrott's diamond
weights that bunny (that weight's
diamond carats)

and now, you guessed it, the combo -- perhaps for the first time in the history of the english language, maybe well for the first time ever written, a heteronymic-homonymic-palindromic haiku:

close too many things
open to doubt -- two open
things? many too close

and yes, i'm done now. let the slugging begin.