March 08, 2020

Rage rag quote of the moment

Essentially, when you look at cells in the circuitry of the brain, every reactivity is simply a group of cells performing their function. From the moment you have the thought that there's a threat and that circuit of fear gets triggered, it will stimulate the emotional circuitry related to it, which is the fight or flight reaction. That will trigger a physiological dump-age of nor-epinephrine or anger into the blood stream. It will flush through you and flush out of you in less than 90 seconds. From the moment you think the thought that triggers that whole cascade of events to the chemical being flushed out of you completely, takes less than 90 seconds. Next time you feel yourself triggered, look at the second hand on a watch. As soon as you look at it, you're now observing yourself having this physiological response instead of engaging with it. It will take less than 90 seconds, and you will feel better. Of course, you can always go back to thinking those thoughts that re-stimulate the loop. There's probably a thought somewhere in your brain of somebody who did you wrong 20 years ago. Every time you think of that person it still starts that circuit.

--Jill Bolte Taylor