February 08, 2011

pariffin hands

-- las vegas, NV

{a new therabath® goes for about $175. i got an unused one for $15 at the oakland museum white elephant sale a couple of weeks ago. what you're looking at here is a dried casting of a quintuple dip of my hands.  due to my hedonistic sensibilities -especially in relation to things like hot springs- i've known about paraffin therapy for awhile, but only used it for the first time as part of my recent metrosexual haircut experience (a freebie as part of my ticket subscription, strangely enough).  it's something i *never* talk about (even my very closest friends haven't heard so much as a word about it), but i've got arthritis in my hands that's been compounded by years of juggling. the deep heat from this treatment is just beyond super-great ... proving, once again, that the romans had it right all along ... and there's a great added bonus in that using hand lotion before the big plunge drives the skin moisturization deep -- being red headed and living in the desert, i need all i can get.}